Become a Fusing Shop Patreon

Hi everyone! It feels good to finally get the blog section of The Fusing Shop up and running. I’m going to be posting a bunch of articles about stuff that I’ve been working on that I haven’t made public yet.

Support The Fusing Shop on Patreon

So my first update is that I made an account on Patreon if you would like to support me and the Fusing Shop YouTube channel.

Here is the link if you’d like to sign up:

Here is The Fusing Shop YouTube channel if you haven’t seen it yet:

So Sim, what benefits are you offering if I sign up?

Fair question. I know a bunch of people who have Patreon pages that offer special discounts, items, swag, merch, whatever other names they use for promotional products these days. At the moment, I haven’t thought of anything to offer other than the free video tutorials that I’ve been making for the past ten months. The videos do take me a lot of time to:

  1. Think of what to make

  2. Find time to get in the shop and make it

  3. Film it

  4. Upload to my computer & edit

  5. Render and post to YouTube

  6. Pray the glass project does not crack/break as I’m doing the steps above

If you have any ideas, that will not cost me a lot of money and/or time, let me know.

In the meantime, if you enjoy my videos and want to send me some love, then you are more than welcome to do so =). I’m still going to provide free glass blowing lessons and I’m here if you want to reach out and let me know what you want to see made.

As always, I appreciate you taking the time to check out the website and read this article.

Here’s to your glass blowing success!



Thick Glass Chillum Added to The Fusing Shop Store


Fusing Shop Store is Up!