Glassblowing Lampworking Classes

Glassblowing Lampworking at The Fusing Shop

the fusing shop flameworking

Have you ever wanted to try glassblowing and didn’t have a place nearby to learn? We’ll be happy to teach you the basics of flameworking, aka lampworking.

Now the first thing I tell people when they hear that I blow glass is that there are different types of glassblowing. The type that most people know about is where there is a furnace and on the bottom of the furnace is liquid glass that is gathered on long metal rods and worked into magnificent artwork. That is not the type of glassblowing we do at The Fusing Shop.

Well what type of glassblowing can I learn?

Flameworking is a type of glassblowing that is designed for precise work. Lampworking uses borosilicate tubing and rods that are melted in a fire and shaped into whatever your mind inspires you to make.

So rather than making vases, pitchers, large bowls, and such, you’ll learn to make small pendants, charms, ornaments, glass beads, glass flowers, marbles, and small figurines.

How much do glassblowing lessons cost?

Pricing is based on a per-hour rate.

One-on-one Lessons

$150 for the first 1.5 hours of torch time.  $50 for each additional half hour.

Bring a Friend Rate

2 people:  $200 for the first 1.5 hours of torch time.  $50 for each additional half hour.

3 people:  $300 for the first 1.5 hours of torch time.  $50 for each additional half hour.

Important Notes:

  • Please note that you may not complete a project within the hour.

  • Your project will need to be annealed, which will take at least 24 hours.

Lessons and gift certificates can be purchased here

The minimum age for lampworking is 14 and up.

Examples of Glass Projects that can be made with flameworking glassblowing